SOGI is the network for everyone involved in Geoinformation
SOGI unifies interested members with the aim to promote the utilization of Geoinformation and its interdisciplinary use. Organizations, individuals associations, companies, public authorities and sponsors can join SOGI. It is the only Swiss GIS umbrella organization and member of the european umbrella organization EUROGI.
The Geoinformation Act is in operation, the National Geo-Data Infrastructure is being developed, geodata applications are growing rapidly and GIS is positioning itself in e-Government - the geodata market is booming! There is hardly an industry that does not work with geodata and barely a person that does not access maps, plans or geoinformation via mobile phone or Internet. Business and private, we want to locate up-to-date information at any time. For the economy, administration, research and also in everyday life, digital, always available geoinformation has become a matter of course.
Members of SOGI are:
Associations, professional associations, national conferences (Cat. A)
Administrations and educational institutions (Cat. B)
Companies (Cat. C)
Individual members (Cat.D)
Students, apprentices (Cat. E)
SOGI promotes and supports:
the exchange of experience and cooperation of the members in the field of Geoinformation and in particular its application
the interdisciplinary exchange of information on the use of modern information technologies, in particular in the development and operation of Geoinformation systems
the information about the meaning, usability and correct application of Geoinformation
the spreading and use of Geoinformation in Switzerland
the use of powerful IT tools and methods in the management, retrieval and distribution of Geoinformation
the usage of norms and standards for the development and realization of geomatics applications, for the exchange of Geoinformation and the cooperation of the systems used for this purpose
the training of data-producers and users of Geoinformation.
In order to achieve its aims, SOGI can:
organize or participate in conferences and courses
have specialist problems treated by permanent and temporary specialist groups or specialists,
elaborate and deliver technical and methodological recommendations,
spread information of common interest,
develop recommendations for the distribution and pricing of data access and exchange of Geoinformation between members and third parties,
carry out projects of common interest at the request of interested members and by securing funding,
publish, participate in or simplify the procurement of specialist publications,
develop further activities or participate in them if they serve the promotion of geoinformation.
SOGI promotes the expansion and use of geoinformation
SOGI is a contact network for geoinformation
Relationship with Members
SOGI unites all the people, associations and professional groups related to Geoinformation.
SOGI bundles the common interests of its members
SOGI represents the common interests of its members in public and politics.
Relationship to
SOGI helps to shape goals and activities in the programme
SOGI takes over tasks and provides services for
SOGI represents all its members in the steering body
SOGI coordinates the activities of its members to within the framework of the professional groups
SOGI supports the standardization process for geoinformation
Basic- and Further Training
SOGI promotes education and training in geoinformation in Switzerland
SOGI is a communication platform for Geoinformation
SOGI informs politics, economy and population about the importance and benefits of Geoinformation.
SOGI represents and coordinates Swiss interests in higher-level international organizations.
Co-Presidency: Zilmil Bordoloi and Gerhard Schrotter
Maurice Barbieri, International/President GEOSummit
Beat Tschanz, Representative Federation
Rainer Oggier, Treasurer
Martin Probst, GEOSummit/GEOWebforum
Hans Rudolf Gnägi, Geostandards
Andy Reimers, Education
Markus Schenardi, Technology
Martin Stahl, Utilities
Andreas Häsler,
Admin. secretariat
Dani Laube,