
«Working with SOGI is an opportunity to network the entire geoinformation scene and to exchange ideas with innovative people.» Zilmil Bordoloi and Geri Schrotter, Co-Presidency

Experienced GIS specialists meet in the agile and specialist groups to discuss selected topics from the GIS world in depth in a circle of experts.

The continuing densification in cities also affects the underground. Developing digital twins of the underground and applying geoinformation technology will be essential for planning, developing, and managing the underground. This comes with a variety of significant challenges like assuring the availability of spatio-temporal data of sufficient quality, clearly defined and accessible interfaces, and reliable workflows which include all stakeholders (e.g., agencies, planners, surveyors, utility providers).
This one-day workshop aims at identifying the needs and required actions for establishing the digital underground of Switzerland, as well as at discussing the necessary frameworks and technological solutions. The workshop will be held in English. It comprises presentations by experts from Switzerland and abroad, as well as a moderated discussion among the participants.

Workshop „Digital Underground CH“
September 6, 2022, ETH Zürich, Campus Hönggerberg
Organizers: Prof. M. Raubal, Prof. A. Wieser, ETHZ DBAUG
C. Chambers, A. Manefield (UK's National Underground Asset Register)
R. Doncev (Digitization Technologies for the Underground)
R. L. Johansen (3D Reality Capture for As-Built Subsurface Utilities)
Chr. Kaul (From Open Government Data to Utility Cadastral Systems)
M. Raubal (Singapore’s Digital Underground Experience)
M. Schenardi (Digital Twins – Digital Underground)
J. Schito (Digital Underground Data)
G. Schrotter (Digital Twin of the City of Zurich)

The majority of geoinformation has arrived in spatial planning throughout Switzerland from the national to the municipal level. Since the introduction of the ÖREB cadastre, the use of geoinformation in spatial planning has even become unavoidable. Cantonal administrations in particular have recognised the advantages and have built up appropriate know-how over the years. Acceptance is also increasingly noticeable at the municipal level, as the benefits of the new possibilities are becoming increasingly apparent. Private planning offices throughout Switzerland have also increased and built up competencies in this area. Success stories, but also other experiences gained are to be exchanged. SOGI offers a platform to discuss questions relating to spatial planning and geoinformation. The framework of the "agile topic" enables all interested persons and groups to contribute in a low-threshold manner and to participate in the discussions.
Startevent September 20 2022, GeoZ, Zürich
Pascal Bürki, Strittmatter Partner, Raumplanung & Entwicklung, St. Gallen
Yves Maurer Weisbrod, Bundesamt für Raumentwicklung ARE


The aim of this specialist group is to represent SOGI nationally and internationally in the relevant associations.

International Representatives

European Umbrella Organisation EUROGI (Board / Treasurer)

EUROGI-Working Group OpenData

INSPIRE- and Imagine-Conferences

Recommended participations in European GI projects for partners and experts from Switzerland

Events will be organized on the different themes by agile and specialist groups.

SOGI After-work Forums

Student aperitifs




«Data supply and use» projects will continue in an agile manner, as needed. This applies in particular to "economic monitoring".


The GIS Technology Specialist Group is concerned with the foresighted technical development of GIS technology and its relevant IT areas. Current and future questions of GIS users will be dealt with, taking into account the aspects of the Swiss Geoinformation Strategy. The results of the group are accessible to the SOGI members in a suitable form.

 Current Objectives

Maintenance of the GIS-Trend Radar

Dealing with further questions

Technical support for the SOGI (at events, consultations ...)

SOGI Reports and Technology News

Members of the Specialist Group

Markus Schenardi (Co-Leader), Geocloud AG, Schlieren

Dominik Angst (Co-Leader), ITV Consult, Regensdorf

Urs Flückiger, Energie Wasser Bern

Urs Arnold Kutschera, Vermessungsamt der Stadt Bern

Stefan F. Keller, Hochschule für Technik, Rapperswil

Raphael Näf, Hexagon Safety&Infrastructure, Zürich

Michael Merki, VertiGIS AG, Burgdorf

Christine Najar, swisstopo, Wabern

Jürg Reist, AEW Energie AG, Aarau

Reto Zimmermann, Asseco BERIT AG, Sissach

Christof Leuenberger, auxalia GmbH, Sins

Ramón Huldi, Esri Schweiz

Thomas Pfarrwalder, Geobox AG, Winterthur

Corresponding Members

Andreas Neumann, ETH Zurich

Hans-Jörg Stark, SBB AG, Bern

Geonorms and Model-Based Method (GGMM)

In 2023, the group has again taken over its essential tasks, namely to work on the basics and problems around geonorms as well as to maintain the further development of the model-based method with UML and INTERLIS based on the geostandard eCH-0031 INTERLIS 2.4 reference manual. The previous name "SOGI Specialist Group 5 Norms and Standards" has now been replaced by the "(permanent) SOGI Group Geonorms and Model-based Method" (GGMM).


Hans Rudolf Gnägi (Leader a.i.), Ittigen

Sebastian Biderbost, FHNW, Muttenz (corresponding)

Zilmil Bordoloi, Geoinformationszentrum Stadt Luzern

Maxime Collombin, Dienststelle Geoinformation Kanton Wallis, Sion

Sepp Dorfschmid, Adasys AG, Wädenswil

Olivier Ertz, HEIG-VD, Media Engineering Institute MEI, Yverdon-les-Bains

Maurice Fitzgerald, FHNW Muttenz (corresponding)

Michael Germann, Infogrips GmbH, Zürich

Oliver Grimm, Geowerkstatt GmbH, Aarau

Andreas Häsler, Geo Häsler, Mühlethurnen

Jens Ingensand, HEIG-VD, Institut SIT insit, Yverdon-les-Bains

Pirmin Kalberer, Sourcepole AG, Zürich

Stefan F. Keller, OST Institut Informatik, Rapperswil

Lukas Schildknecht, FHNW Institut Digitales Bauen, Muttenz

Hugo Thalmann, Hexagon, Zürich

Hans-Ulrich Wiedmer, swisstopo, Wabern

The division is dedicated to the coordination of basic training and further education in geoinformation in Switzerland. True to the broad spectrum of the SOGI, all professions and courses of study relevant for geoinformation and represented in the SOGI member societies as well as the corresponding preparatory schools from the primary to the university level are included in this coordination. The following thematic focuses are currently being pursued:

Reform of Vocational Training for Geomatics Technicians

Participation in the Reform Commission and the Commission for Vocational Education and Training and Quality Assurance, support for GIS apprenticeships.

Further Training

Web platform for information about existing continuing education offers.


Establishment of a Swiss virtual campus in geoinformation education at university level based on the existing projects GITTA ( and CartouCHe (, offer to teacher associations for use in further education; international contacts to expand the offer.


Andy Reimers (Leader), Bildungszentrum Geomatik Schweiz / GeoZ, GIS-Zentrum der Stadt Zürich

Susanne Bleisch, Hochschule für Architektur, Bau und Geomatik (FHNW)

Reto Jörimann, Kantonsgeometer ZG/ Cadastre Suisse

Yves Maurer Weisbrod, Bundesamt für Raumentwicklung (ARE)

Christian Sailer, Departement Bau, Geomatik und Umweltwissenschaften (ETH Zürich)

Véronique Constantin, Geoportale (swisstopo)

Jens Ingensand, HEIG-VD

Marcel Engel, Freies Gymnasium, Zürich


Geonorms and Model-Based Method (GGMM)


The group brings people together who deal with pipe and cable networks for energy and water supply, communication networks or drainage networks. At virtual or physical meetings, current and changing topics are discussed:

Pipeline cadastre

Norms and standards for utilities (SIA 405, IFC, etc.)

3D data

BIM in pipeline construction

Digital Underground

Augmented and Virtual Reality

Further education

Apprenticeship training

Ownership of the subsoil

Mobile GIS

Smart Cities

Data protection and IT security

The focus of these topics is on the relevance and benefits for the utilities. The focus is on the exchange of experience and networking.


Martin Stahl, AEW Energie AG, Aarau (Co-Leader)

Fabio Mariani, Services Industriels de Genève, Genève (Co-Leader)

Michael Berteld, IWB, Basel

Stefan Eggenschwiler, ewb, Bern

Thomas Hintereck, Sunrise, Zürich

Christel Schenk, Viteos SA, Neuchâtel

Daniel Appert, Groupe E SA, Fribourg

Emilie Desclaux, SIL, Lausanne